Source code for geometric2dr.decomposition.weisfeiler_lehman_patterns

"""Functions for inducing Weisfeiler Lehman graph decomposition algorithm via node relabeling
as described in Shervashidze et al. [3]_.

Based on the implementation available in the original source code of Graph2Vec [4]_
and adapted for Geo2DR which has no license


# Author: Paul Scherer 2019.

import os
import glob
from time import time
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm

# Global label_to_compressed_label_map in its initial empty state 
label_to_compressed_label_map = {}

# Function to get the node label (ignore the WLk_h id before it) as an int
get_int_node_label = lambda l: int(l.split('+')[-1])

[docs]def initial_relabel(graph, node_label_attr_name="Label"): """The initial relabeling of the graphs in the dataset. Taking the attributed label of the node as stated by the attr in the gexf file, it gives new labels to these node types (without regard for neighbours) hence it really is just a relabeling of the initial labels into our own "0+<newlabel>" format (to use with WL relabeling scheme after Parameters ---------- graph : networkx graph a networkx graph node_label_attr_name : str string literal of the attribute name used as a label in the gexf file NB: "label" in the gexf refers to nodeID "Label" refers to the dataset node label Returns ------- graph : networkx graph the same nx graph but with a new "relabel" attribute with the 0th wlk-h entry label """ global label_to_compressed_label_map # This is the global WL hash function for compresssed labels nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(graph, first_label=0) for node in graph.nodes(): graph.nodes[node]['relabel'] = {} # make a dictionary attribute # Check for previous labelings otherwise we relabel for node in graph.nodes(): try: label = graph.nodes[node][node_label_attr_name] except: # no node label in node_label_attr_name that is specifically pulled from the gexf file so graph.nodes[node]['relabel'][0] = '0+0' continue if not label in label_to_compressed_label_map: # if no label start with 1 and increment every time a new node label is seen compressed_label = len(label_to_compressed_label_map)+1 label_to_compressed_label_map[label] = compressed_label graph.nodes[node]['relabel'][0] = '0+' + str(compressed_label) else: # if it already has a label we just keep the same label graph.nodes[node]['relabel'][0] = '0+' + str(label_to_compressed_label_map[label]) return graph
[docs]def wl_relabel(graph, it): """Runs an iteration of the WL relabeling algorithm, onto the graph using the global label_to_compressed_label_map Parameters ---------- graph : networkx graph a networkx graph from the dataset which we want to relabel (has had to be initally relabeled, ie have the graph.nodes.[node]['relabel'] attribute) it : int an int, signifiying iteration in the WL relabeling algorithm. Returns ------- graph : networkx graph the input nx graph with more labels in the "relabel" attribute """ global label_to_compressed_label_map # This is the global hash function for compression prev_iter = it - 1 for node in graph.nodes(): prev_iter_node_label = get_int_node_label(graph.nodes[node]['relabel'][prev_iter]) # just a int ("1") in first it 0 node_label = [prev_iter_node_label] neighbours = list(nx.all_neighbors(graph, node)) neighbourhood_label = sorted([get_int_node_label(graph.nodes[nei]['relabel'][prev_iter]) for nei in neighbours]) node_neighbourhood_label = tuple(node_label + neighbourhood_label) if not node_neighbourhood_label in label_to_compressed_label_map: compressed_label = len(label_to_compressed_label_map)+1 label_to_compressed_label_map[node_neighbourhood_label] = compressed_label graph.nodes[node]['relabel'][it] = str(it) + "+" + str(compressed_label) else: graph.nodes[node]['relabel'][it] = str(it) + "+" + str(label_to_compressed_label_map[node_neighbourhood_label]) return graph
[docs]def save_wl_doc(fname,max_h,graph=None): """Saves the induced rooted subgraph patterns Saves the subgraph sentences in format <center> <context> <context> .... In other words we are saving the relabelings of node from the WL algorithm into a text document which can be fed into our skipgram architecture Parameters ---------- fname : str path/filename of the graph max_h : int highest_iteration wlk_h specified (ie depth of rooted subgraph) graph : networkx graph the nx graph of the filename Returns ------- None : None The rooted subgraph patterns are saved into a text file in the format <center> <context> <context> <context> .... """ open_fname = fname + '.wld' + str(max_h) # # no need to write if it already exists # if os.path.isfile(open_fname): # return # otherwise we write into the file with open(open_fname,'w') as fh: for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True): for it in range(0, max_h+1): try: center = d['relabel'][it] except: continue # neis_labels_prev_deg = [] # neis_labels_next_deg = [] # if it != 0: # neis_labels_prev_deg = list(set([graph.nodes[nei]['relabel'][it-1] for nei in nx.all_neighbors(graph, n)])) # neis_labels_prev_deg.sort() NeisLabelsSameDeg = list(set([graph.nodes[nei]['relabel'][it] for nei in nx.all_neighbors(graph,n)])) # neighbours on iteration it basically # if it != max_h: # neis_labels_next_deg = list(set([graph.nodes[nei]['relabel'][it+1] for nei in nx.all_neighbors(graph,n)])) # neis_labels_next_deg.sort() # nei_list = NeisLabelsSameDeg + neis_labels_prev_deg + neis_labels_next_deg nei_list = NeisLabelsSameDeg nei_list = ' '.join(nei_list) sentence = center + ' ' + nei_list print(sentence, file=fh)
[docs]def wl_corpus(fnames, max_h, node_label_attr_name='Label'): """Induce rooted subgraph patterns using the WL node relabeling algorith given list gexf files and save corresponding graph files. Given a set of graphs from the dataset, a maximum h for WL, and the label attribute name used in the gexf files we initially relabel the original labels into a compliant relabeling (caesar shift for ease) then perform max-h iterations of the WL relabeling algorithm (1979) to create new labels which are compressed versions of the rooted subgraphs for each node in the graph. These are all present in the nx graph objects's nodes as attributes, with the original label being 'Label' and our subsequent relabelings in the "relabel" attribute The main use case is for the user to input a path containing individual graphs of the dataset in gexf format. The decomposition algorithm will induce substructure patterns for graphs recording the dataset/"global" vocabulary of patterns within a dictionary. The graph and its associated patterns (by IDs given through our hash function) are saved into a <graphid>.wldr<depth> file which contains a line delimited list of all the substructure pattern ids. Parameters ---------- fnames : list list of gexf file paths for the graphs in the dataset max_h : int the maximum depth of rooted subgraph pattern to induce across the dataset of graphs node_label_attr_name : str string literal of the attribute name used as a label in the gexf file NB: "label" in the gexf refers to nodeID "Label" refers to the dataset node label Returns ------- corpus : list of lists of str a list of lists, with each inner list containing all the rooted subgraph patterns in one graph of the dataset vocabulary : list a set of the unique rooted subgraph pattern ids prob_map : dict a map {gidx: {wl_pattern: normalized_prob}} of normalized probabilities of a rooted subgraph pattern appearing in a graph based on counts made in generation num_graphs : int the number of graphs in the dataset graph_map : dict a map {gidx: {wl_pattern: count}} of the number of times a certain rooted subgraph pattern appeared in a graph for each graph gidx in the dataset None : None The rooted subgraph patterns are also saved into a text file for each graph in 'fnames' in the format <center> <context> <context> <context> .... """ global label_to_compressed_label_map compressed_labels_map_list = [] # list of compressed labels maps that can be used to go backwards # Read each graph as a networkx graph print('#... Loading graphs') graphs = [nx.read_gexf(fname) for fname in tqdm(fnames)] assert len(graphs) > 0, "fnames parameter does not contain valid .gexf files" print ('#... Loaded all the graphs') # Do an initial relabeling of each nxgraph g in graphs graphs = [initial_relabel(g, node_label_attr_name) for g in graphs] print ('#... initial relabeling done in') # Perform the Weisfeiler-Lehman Relabeling Process for h iterations (up to h depth rooted subgraphs) for it in range(1, max_h + 1): t0 = time() compressed_labels_map_list.append(label_to_compressed_label_map) label_to_compressed_label_map = {} graphs = [wl_relabel(g, it) for g in tqdm(graphs)] print ('WL iteration {} done in {} sec.'.format(it, round(time() - t0, 2))) print ('num of WL rooted subgraphs in iter {} is {}'.format(it, len(label_to_compressed_label_map))) # Save the patterns into graph documents for fname, g in zip(fnames, graphs): save_wl_doc(fname, max_h, g) # Match return signatures of other decomposition algorithms corpus = [] vocabulary = set() graph_map = {} for fname, g in zip(fnames, graphs): gidx = int((os.path.basename(fname)).replace(".gexf", "")) tmp_corpus = [] count_map = {} for n, d in g.nodes(data=True): for it in range(0, max_h+1): try: pattern_at_node = d['relabel'][it] vocabulary.add(pattern_at_node) tmp_corpus.append(pattern_at_node) count_map[pattern_at_node] = count_map.get(pattern_at_node, 0) + 1 except: continue NeisLabelsSameDeg = list(set([g.nodes[nei]['relabel'][it] for nei in nx.all_neighbors(g,n)])) for nei_pattern in NeisLabelsSameDeg: vocabulary.add(nei_pattern) tmp_corpus.append(nei_pattern) count_map[nei_pattern] = count_map.get(nei_pattern, 0) + 1 corpus.append(tmp_corpus) graph_map[gidx] = count_map # Normalise the probabilities of a graphlet in a graph. prob_map = {gidx: {graphlet: count/float(sum(graphlets.values())) \ for graphlet, count in graphlets.items()} for gidx, graphlets in graph_map.items()} num_graphs = len(prob_map) return corpus, vocabulary, prob_map, num_graphs, graph_map
# Manual test if __name__ == "__main__": ip_folder ="../data/dortmund_gexf/MUTAG" max_h = 2 all_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(ip_folder, '*gexf'))) print("Loaded %s files in total" % (str(len(all_files)))) corpus, vocabulary, prob_map, num_graphs, graph_map = wl_corpus(all_files, max_h)