Source code for geometric2dr.embedding_methods.pvdbow_data_reader

"""Data_reader module containing corpus construction utilities for PVDBOW (skipgram) models.

This module describes the classes which handle graph corpi and datasets
which can be loaded into PyTorch dataloaders. 


import numpy as np
import torch
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from random import shuffle
from tqdm import tqdm

from .utils import get_files


# Harddrive version
[docs]class PVDBOWCorpus(Dataset): """Class which represents the target-context dataset created over the graph documents for PVDBOW models. In this version the __getitem__ function loads individual target-context pairs from the hard-drive. As a result, it is quick to set up and memory efficient but may perform slower in training time. Parameters ---------- corpus_dir : str path to folder with graph document files created in decomposition stage extension : str extension of the graph document files from which the corpus should be built max_files : int (default=0) the maximum number of files to include. Useful for debugging or other artificial scenarios. The default of 0 includes all files with matching extension window_size : int (default=1) The number of context substructure patterns to be considered for every target. This needs to be greater than 0. Returns ------- self : PVDBOWCorpus A corpus dataset that can be used with the skipgram with negative sampling model to learn graph-level embeddings. """ NEGATIVE_TABLE_SIZE=1e8 def __init__(self, corpus_dir=None, extension=".wld2", max_files=0, min_count=0): assert corpus_dir != None, "Please specify the path where the graph files are" self.corpus_dir = corpus_dir self.extension = extension self.graph_index = 0 self.subgraph_index = 0 self.epoch_flag = 0 self.max_files = max_files self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal = [] self.min_count = min_count self.negatives = [] self.discards = [] self.negpos = 0 # Methods self.scan_and_load_corpus() self.initTableDiscards() self.initTableNegatives()
[docs] def scan_and_load_corpus(self): """Gets the list of graph file paths, gives them number ids in a map and calls scan_corpus also makes available a list of shuffled graph_ids for batch """ print("#... Scanning and loading corpus from %s" % (self.corpus_dir)) self.graph_fname_list = get_files(self.corpus_dir, self.extension, self.max_files) self._graph_name_to_id_map = {g:i for i, g in enumerate(self.graph_fname_list)} self._id_to_graph_name_map = {i:g for g, i in self._graph_name_to_id_map.items()} # Scan the corpus # This creates the alphabet and vocabulary of subgraphs subgraph_to_id_map = self.scan_corpus(min_count=self.min_count) self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal = list(range(self.num_graphs)) shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal)
[docs] def scan_corpus(self, min_count): """Maps the graph files to a subgraph alphabet from which we create new_ids for the subgraphs which in turn get used by the skipgram architectures Parameters ---------- min_count : int The minimum number of times a subgraph pattern should appear across the graphs in order to be considered part of the vocabulary. Returns ------- (Optional) self._subgraph_to_id_map : dict dictionary of substructure pattern to int id map """ # Get all the subgraph names (the centers, ie without context around itself) ie first item of # each line in the grapdoc files subgraphs = [] for fname in self.graph_fname_list: subgraphs.extend([l.split()[0] for l in open(fname).readlines()]) subgraphs.append('UNK') # end flag # Frequency map of subgraph types subgraph_to_freq_map = Counter(subgraphs) del subgraphs # Remove infrequent graph patterns if user specified a min_count if min_count: subgraph_to_freq_map = dict(subgraph_to_freq_map) for key in list(subgraph_to_freq_map.keys()): if subgraph_to_freq_map[key] < min_count: subgraph_to_freq_map.pop(key, None) # Also give each of the subgraph labels new int ids subgraph_to_id_map = {sg:i for i, sg, in enumerate(subgraph_to_freq_map.keys())} self._subgraph_to_freq_map = subgraph_to_freq_map self._subgraph_to_id_map = subgraph_to_id_map self._id_to_subgraph_map = {v:k for k,v in subgraph_to_id_map.items()} self._subgraphcount = sum(subgraph_to_freq_map.values()) # token count, the number of subgraphs in all graphs self.num_graphs = len(self.graph_fname_list) # number of targets self.num_subgraphs = len(subgraph_to_id_map) # size of vocabulary # This is a list sorted by id, which contains the frequency of a subgraph appearing as a list self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list = [] # id of this list is the subgraph/word id and value is the frequency of the subgraph for i in range(len(self._subgraph_to_freq_map)): self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list.append(self._subgraph_to_freq_map[self._id_to_subgraph_map[i]]) return self._subgraph_to_id_map
[docs] def add_file(self, full_graph_path): """This method is used to add new graphs into the corpus for inductive learning of new unseen graphs Parameters ---------- full_graph_path : str path to graph document to be part of the new corpus Returns ------- None New graph and its substructure patterns is made part of the corpus """ # Retrieve the graphs files and assign them internal ids for this method self.graph_fname_list = get_files(self.corpus_dir, self.extension, self.max_files) if full_graph_path in self.graph_fname_list: # if the graph is already in the corpus we may ignore it print("The graph %s is already in the corpus" % (full_graph_path)) return else: self.graph_fname_list.append(full_graph_path) # add the new file self._graph_name_to_id_map = {g:i for i, g in enumerate(self.graph_fname_list)} # add to the end self._graph_name_to_id_map[full_graph_path] = self.num_graphs self._id_to_graph_name_map = {i:g for g, i in self._graph_name_to_id_map.items()} # Scan the corpus (ie explain in more detail in a sec) # This creates an "alphabet" and "vocabulary" of subgraphs subgraph_to_id_map = self.scan_corpus(min_count=self.min_count) self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal = list(range(self.num_graphs)) shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal) self.initTableDiscards() self.initTableNegatives()
# should run this as part of init def initTableDiscards(self): self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list = [] # id of this list is the subgraph/word id and value is the frequency of the subgraph for i in range(len(self._subgraph_to_freq_map)): self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list.append(self._subgraph_to_freq_map[self._id_to_subgraph_map[i]]) self.subgraph_id_freq_map = {} for i in range(len(self._subgraph_to_freq_map)): self.subgraph_id_freq_map[i] = self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list[i] t = 1e-4 f = np.array(list(self.subgraph_id_freq_map.values())) / self._subgraphcount self.discards = np.sqrt(t/f)+(t/f) # Needs translations but line complete def initTableNegatives(self): pow_frequency = np.array(list(self.subgraph_id_freq_map.values()))**0.5 words_pow = sum(pow_frequency) ratio = pow_frequency / words_pow count = np.round(ratio * PVDBOWCorpus.NEGATIVE_TABLE_SIZE) for sg_id, c in enumerate(count): self.negatives += [sg_id]*int(c) self.negatives = np.array(self.negatives) np.random.shuffle(self.negatives)
[docs] def getNegatives(self, target, size): r"""Given target find a `size` number of negative samples by index Parameters ---------- target : int internal int id of the subgraph pattern size : int number of negative samples to find Returns ------- response : [int] list of negative samples by internal int id """ response = self.negatives[self.negpos:self.negpos + size] self.negpos = (self.negpos + size) % len(self.negatives) while target in response: # check equality with target for i in np.where(response == target): response[i] = self.negatives[np.random.randint(0,len(self.negatives))] if len(response) != size: return np.concatenate((response, self.negatives[0:self.negpos])) return response
def __len__(self): """Return the number of total number of subgraphs """ # print("The number of graph-subgraph pairs considering batchsize in the dataset is") return self._subgraphcount def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Get a single target-context observation from the dataset. This version loads each individual item from the hard drive """ target_graph_ids = [] context_subgraph_ids = [] # Extract a random graph and read its contents graph_name = self.graph_fname_list[self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal[self.graph_index]] # pull out a random graph (its filename here) graph_contents = open(graph_name).readlines() # tldr: random graph traverser # If we've looked at all the subgraphs we go to the next graph # We set the epoch flag true if we've also gone through n graphs (in a n graph dataset) # we then grab the next graph file whether that be the next graph in the shuffled list # or the first graph in a reshuffled list of graph files while self.subgraph_index >= len(graph_contents): self.subgraph_index = 0 self.graph_index += 1 if self.graph_index == len(self.graph_fname_list): self.graph_index = 0 np.random.shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal) self.epoch_flag = True graph_name = self.graph_fname_list[self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal[self.graph_index]] graph_contents = open(graph_name).readlines() # Given that we haven't gotten enough graphs for our batch # We traverse the file at graph_name and graph the center as the (context subgraph) # which is a bit counter-intuitive but we consider the centers as the "context" of the # graph as a whole. # while len(context_subgraph_ids) < batch_size: while len(context_subgraph_ids) < 1: line_id = self.subgraph_index context_subgraph = graph_contents[line_id].split()[0] # first item on the line target_graph = graph_name if context_subgraph in self._subgraph_to_id_map: context_subgraph_ids.append(self._subgraph_to_id_map[context_subgraph]) # add the ids of the subgraph into the context target_graph_ids.append(self._graph_name_to_id_map[target_graph]) # add the id of the graph for the target # context_subgraph_ids.append(self._subgraph_to_id_map[context_subgraph]) # add the ids of the subgraph into the context # target_graph_ids.append(self._graph_name_to_id_map[target_graph]) # add the id of the graph for the target # move on to the next subgraph self.subgraph_index += 1 # if we've reached the end of the graph file (ie exhasuted all the subgraphs in it) # we move onto the next graph as above. while self.subgraph_index == len(graph_contents): self.subgraph_index = 0 self.graph_index +=1 if self.graph_index == len(self.graph_fname_list): self.graph_index = 0 np.random.shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal) self.epoch_flag = True graph_name = self.graph_fname_list[self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal[self.graph_index]] graph_contents = open(graph_name).readlines() # Once we've built 'batch_size' number worth of targets and contexts # we zip them, shuffle them, and unzip the pairs in shuffled order (keeping the pairing) target_context_pairs = list(zip(target_graph_ids, context_subgraph_ids)) shuffle(target_context_pairs) target_graph_ids, context_subgraph_ids = list(zip(*target_context_pairs)) negatives_per_context = [self.getNegatives(x,10) for x in context_subgraph_ids] target_context_negatives = [(target, context, negatives) for (target, context, negatives) in zip(target_graph_ids, context_subgraph_ids, negatives_per_context)] return target_context_negatives @staticmethod def collate(batches): all_targets = [target for batch in batches for target, _, _ in batch if len(batch)>0] all_contexts = [context for batch in batches for _, context, _ in batch if len(batch)>0] all_neg_contexts = [neg_context for batch in batches for _, _, neg_context in batch if len(batch)>0] return torch.LongTensor(all_targets), torch.LongTensor(all_contexts), torch.LongTensor(all_neg_contexts)
####################################################################################################### ####################################################################################################### # In memory version of skipgram datareader ####################################################################################################### #######################################################################################################
[docs]class PVDBOWInMemoryCorpus(Dataset): """Class which represents the target-context dataset created over the graph documents for PVDBOW models. This version keeps the entire corpus with negatives in memory which requires a larger initial creation time but has a much quicker __getitem__ computation. Parameters ---------- corpus_dir : str path to folder with graph document files created in decomposition stage extension : str extension of the graph document files from which the corpus should be built max_files : int (default=0) the maximum number of files to include. Useful for debugging or other artificial scenarios. The default of 0 includes all files with matching extension window_size : int (default=1) The number of context substructure patterns to be considered for every target. This needs to be greater than 0. Returns ------- self : PVDBOWInMemoryCorpus A corpus dataset that can be used with the skipgram with negative sampling model to learn graph-level embeddings. """ NEGATIVE_TABLE_SIZE=1e8 def __init__(self, corpus_dir=None, extension=".wld2", max_files=0, min_count=0): assert corpus_dir != None, "Please specify the path where the graph files are" self.corpus_dir = corpus_dir self.extension = extension self.graph_index = 0 self.subgraph_index = 0 self.epoch_flag = 0 self.max_files = max_files self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal = [] self.min_count = min_count self.negatives = [] self.discards = [] self.negpos = 0 # Methods self.scan_and_load_corpus() self.initTableDiscards() self.initTableNegatives() self.pre_load_corpus()
[docs] def scan_and_load_corpus(self): """Gets the list of graph file paths, gives them number ids in a map and calls scan_corpus also makes available a list of shuffled graph_ids """ print("#... Scanning and loading corpus from %s" % (self.corpus_dir)) self.graph_fname_list = get_files(self.corpus_dir, self.extension, self.max_files) self._graph_name_to_id_map = {g:i for i, g in enumerate(self.graph_fname_list)} self._id_to_graph_name_map = {i:g for g, i in self._graph_name_to_id_map.items()} # Scan the corpus # This creates the alphabet and vocabulary of subgraphs subgraph_to_id_map = self.scan_corpus(min_count=self.min_count) self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal = list(range(self.num_graphs)) shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal)
[docs] def scan_corpus(self, min_count): """Maps the graph files to a subgraph alphabet from which we create new_ids for the subgraphs which in turn get used by the skipgram architectures Parameters ---------- min_count : int The minimum number of times a subgraph pattern should appear across the graphs in order to be considered part of the vocabulary. Returns ------- (Optional) self._subgraph_to_id_map : dict dictionary of substructure pattern to int id map """ # Get all the subgraph names (the centers, ie without context around itself) ie first item of # each line in the grapdoc files subgraphs = [] for fname in self.graph_fname_list: subgraphs.extend([l.split()[0] for l in open(fname).readlines()]) subgraphs.append('UNK') # end flag # Frequency map of subgraph types subgraph_to_freq_map = Counter(subgraphs) del subgraphs # Remove infrequent graph patterns if user specified a min_count if min_count: subgraph_to_freq_map = dict(subgraph_to_freq_map) for key in list(subgraph_to_freq_map.keys()): if subgraph_to_freq_map[key] < min_count: subgraph_to_freq_map.pop(key, None) # Also give each of the subgraph labels new int ids subgraph_to_id_map = {sg:i for i, sg, in enumerate(subgraph_to_freq_map.keys())} self._subgraph_to_freq_map = subgraph_to_freq_map self._subgraph_to_id_map = subgraph_to_id_map self._id_to_subgraph_map = {v:k for k,v in subgraph_to_id_map.items()} self._subgraphcount = sum(subgraph_to_freq_map.values()) # token count, the number of subgraphs in all graphs self.num_graphs = len(self.graph_fname_list) # number of targets self.num_subgraphs = len(subgraph_to_id_map) # size of vocabulary # This is a list sorted by id, which contains the frequency of a subgraph appearing as a list self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list = [] # id of this list is the subgraph/word id and value is the frequency of the subgraph for i in range(len(self._subgraph_to_freq_map)): self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list.append(self._subgraph_to_freq_map[self._id_to_subgraph_map[i]]) return self._subgraph_to_id_map
[docs] def add_file(self, full_graph_path): """This method is used to add new graphs into the corpus for inductive learning of new unseen graphs Parameters ---------- full_graph_path : str path to graph document to be part of the new corpus Returns ------- None New graph and its substructure patterns is made part of the corpus """ # Retrieve the graphs files and assign them internal ids for this method self.graph_fname_list = get_files(self.corpus_dir, self.extension, self.max_files) if full_graph_path in self.graph_fname_list: # if the graph is already in the corpus we may ignore it print("The graph %s is already in the corpus" % (full_graph_path)) return else: self.graph_fname_list.append(full_graph_path) # add the new file self._graph_name_to_id_map = {g:i for i, g in enumerate(self.graph_fname_list)} # add to the end self._graph_name_to_id_map[full_graph_path] = self.num_graphs self._id_to_graph_name_map = {i:g for g, i in self._graph_name_to_id_map.items()} # Scan the corpus (ie explain in more detail in a sec) # This creates an "alphabet" and "vocabulary" of subgraphs subgraph_to_id_map = self.scan_corpus(min_count=self.min_count) self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal = list(range(self.num_graphs)) shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal) self.initTableDiscards() self.initTableNegatives()
# should run this as part of init def initTableDiscards(self): self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list = [] # id of this list is the subgraph/word id and value is the frequency of the subgraph for i in range(len(self._subgraph_to_freq_map)): self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list.append(self._subgraph_to_freq_map[self._id_to_subgraph_map[i]]) self.subgraph_id_freq_map = {} for i in range(len(self._subgraph_to_freq_map)): self.subgraph_id_freq_map[i] = self.subgraph_id_freq_map_as_list[i] t = 1e-4 f = np.array(list(self.subgraph_id_freq_map.values())) / self._subgraphcount self.discards = np.sqrt(t/f)+(t/f) # Needs translations but line complete def initTableNegatives(self): pow_frequency = np.array(list(self.subgraph_id_freq_map.values()))**0.5 words_pow = sum(pow_frequency) ratio = pow_frequency / words_pow count = np.round(ratio * PVDBOWInMemoryCorpus.NEGATIVE_TABLE_SIZE) for sg_id, c in enumerate(count): self.negatives += [sg_id]*int(c) self.negatives = np.array(self.negatives) np.random.shuffle(self.negatives)
[docs] def getNegatives(self, target, size): r"""Given target find a `size` number of negative samples by index Parameters ---------- target : int internal int id of the subgraph pattern size : int number of negative samples to find Returns ------- response : [int] list of negative samples by internal int id """ response = self.negatives[self.negpos:self.negpos + size] self.negpos = (self.negpos + size) % len(self.negatives) while target in response: # check equality with target for i in np.where(response == target): response[i] = self.negatives[np.random.randint(0,len(self.negatives))] if len(response) != size: return np.concatenate((response, self.negatives[0:self.negpos])) return response
[docs] def pre_load_corpus(self): """Constructs and loads an entire context-pair dataset into memory """ print("#... Generating dataset in memory for quick dataloader access") # Get a single item of data from the dataset. self.context_pair_dataset = [] for c in tqdm(range(self._subgraphcount)): target_graph_ids = [] context_subgraph_ids = [] # Extract a random graph and read its contents graph_name = self.graph_fname_list[self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal[self.graph_index]] # pull out a random graph (its filename here) graph_contents = open(graph_name).readlines() # tldr: random graph traverser # If we've looked at all the subgraphs we go to the next graph # We set the epoch flag true if we've also gone through n graphs (in a n graph dataset) # we then grab the next graph file whether that be the next graph in the shuffled list # or the first graph in a reshuffled list of graph files while self.subgraph_index >= len(graph_contents): self.subgraph_index = 0 self.graph_index += 1 if self.graph_index == len(self.graph_fname_list): self.graph_index = 0 np.random.shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal) self.epoch_flag = True graph_name = self.graph_fname_list[self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal[self.graph_index]] graph_contents = open(graph_name).readlines() # Given that we haven't gotten enough graphs for our batch # We traverse the file at graph_name and graph the center as the (context subgraph) # which is a bit counter-intuitive but we consider the centers as the "context" of the # graph as a whole. # while len(context_subgraph_ids) < batch_size: # while len(context_subgraph_ids) < 1: line_id = self.subgraph_index context_subgraph = graph_contents[line_id].split()[0] # first item on the line target_graph = graph_name if context_subgraph in self._subgraph_to_id_map: context_subgraph_ids.append(self._subgraph_to_id_map[context_subgraph]) # add the ids of the subgraph into the context target_graph_ids.append(self._graph_name_to_id_map[target_graph]) # add the id of the graph for the target # context_subgraph_ids.append(self._subgraph_to_id_map[context_subgraph]) # add the ids of the subgraph into the context # target_graph_ids.append(self._graph_name_to_id_map[target_graph]) # add the id of the graph for the target # move on to the next subgraph self.subgraph_index += 1 # if we've reached the end of the graph file (ie exhasuted all the subgraphs in it) # we move onto the next graph as above. while self.subgraph_index == len(graph_contents): self.subgraph_index = 0 self.graph_index +=1 if self.graph_index == len(self.graph_fname_list): self.graph_index = 0 np.random.shuffle(self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal) self.epoch_flag = True graph_name = self.graph_fname_list[self.graph_ids_for_batch_traversal[self.graph_index]] graph_contents = open(graph_name).readlines() # Once we've built 'batch_size' number worth of targets and contexts # we zip them, shuffle them, and unzip the pairs in shuffled order (keeping the pairing) target_context_pairs = list(zip(target_graph_ids, context_subgraph_ids)) shuffle(target_context_pairs) target_graph_ids, context_subgraph_ids = list(zip(*target_context_pairs)) negatives_per_context = [self.getNegatives(x,10) for x in context_subgraph_ids] target_context_negatives = [(target, context, negatives) for (target, context, negatives) in zip(target_graph_ids, context_subgraph_ids, negatives_per_context)] self.context_pair_dataset.append(target_context_negatives) self.epoch_flag = False
def __len__(self): """Return the number of total number of subgraphs """ return self._subgraphcount def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Get a single target-context observation from the dataset in memory. """ return self.context_pair_dataset[idx] @staticmethod def collate(batches): all_targets = [target for batch in batches for target, _, _ in batch if len(batch)>0] all_contexts = [context for batch in batches for _, context, _ in batch if len(batch)>0] all_neg_contexts = [neg_context for batch in batches for _, _, neg_context in batch if len(batch)>0] return torch.LongTensor(all_targets), torch.LongTensor(all_contexts), torch.LongTensor(all_neg_contexts)
if __name__ == '__main__': corpus_dir = "../data/dortmund_gexf/MUTAG" # Normal Harddrive corpus corpus = PVDBOWCorpus(corpus_dir, extension=".wld2", max_files=60) # additional_file = "/home/morio/workspace/geo2dr/geometric2dr/file_handling/dortmund_gexf/MUTAG/99.gexf.wld2" # corpus.add_file(additional_file) dataloader = DataLoader(corpus, batch_size=4, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, collate_fn=corpus.collate) # In memory corpus in_mem_corpus = PVDBOWInMemoryCorpus(corpus_dir, extension=".wld2", max_files=60) mem_dataloader = DataLoader(in_mem_corpus, batch_size=4, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, collate_fn=in_mem_corpus.collate)