Source code for geometric2dr.embedding_methods.utils

"""General purpose utilities for I/O

Currently Includes:
Functions for getting all files in a directory with a given extension
Saving graph embeddings into a JSON format
Generating a dictionary matching graph files with classification labels


import os
import json

[docs]def get_files(dname, extension, max_files=0): """Returns a list of strings which are all the files with the given extension in a sorted manner Parameters ---------- dname : str directory with files extension : str string denoting which extension should be matched in search for files max_files : int (default=0) the maximum number of files to get, the default of 0 means all files Returns ------- all_files : list list of all files matching extension inside the directory dname """ all_files = [os.path.join(dname, f) for f in os.listdir(dname) if f.endswith(extension)] for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(dname): for f in files: if f.endswith(extension): all_files.append(os.path.join(root,f)) # no duplicates all_files = list(set(all_files)) all_files.sort() if (max_files): return(all_files)[:max_files] else: return all_files
[docs]def save_graph_embeddings(corpus, final_embeddings, opfname): """Saves the trained embeddings of a corpus into a dictionary and saves this into a json file on the path given by opfname Parameters ---------- corpus : corpus any corpus class such as `PVDBOWCorpus` final_embeddings : numpy ndarray matrix of target embeddings to be saved opfname : str path to file where embeddings should be saved in json format (extension optional in Unix) Returns ------- None embeddings will be saved into path denoted by `opfname` """ dict_to_save = {} for i in range(len(final_embeddings)): graph_fname = corpus._id_to_graph_name_map[i] graph_embedding = final_embeddings[i,:].tolist() dict_to_save[graph_fname] = graph_embedding with open(opfname, 'w') as filehandler: json.dump(dict_to_save, filehandler, indent=4)
[docs]def save_subgraph_embeddings(corpus, final_embeddings, opfname): """Save the embeddings along with a map to the patterns and the corpus Parameters ---------- corpus : corpus a corpus class such as SkipgramCorpus final_embeddings : numpy ndarray matrix of target embeddings to be saved opfname : str path to file where embeddings should be saved in json format Returns ------- None embeddings will be saved into path denoted by `opfname` """ dict_to_save = {} for i in range(len(final_embeddings)): subgraph_name = corpus._id_to_subgraph_map[i] subgraph_embedding = final_embeddings[i,:].tolist() dict_to_save[subgraph_name] = subgraph_embedding with open(opfname, 'w') as filehandler: json.dump(dict_to_save, filehandler, indent=4)
[docs]def get_class_labels(graph_files, class_labels_fname): """Given the list of graph files (as in get_files) and path of the associated class labels returns the list of labels associated with each graph file in graph_files Parameters ---------- graph_files : list list of paths to graph_files class_labels_fname : str path to class labels file (.Labels typically) with file names in `graph_files` Returns ------- labels : list list of class labels for corresponding to graph files in `graph_files` """ graph_to_class_label_map = {l.split()[0].split('.')[0]: int(l.split()[1].strip()) for l in open (class_labels_fname)} labels = [graph_to_class_label_map[os.path.basename(g).split('.')[0]] for g in graph_files] return labels
[docs]def get_class_labels_tuples(graph_files, class_labels_fname): """Returns list of tuples associating each of the graph files to their classification labels Parameters ---------- graph_files : list list of paths to graph_files class_labels_fname : str path to class labels file (.Labels typically) with file names in `graph_files` Returns ------- labels : list list of tuples (base_name_of_graph_file, class_label) """ graph_to_class_label_map = {l.split()[0].split('.')[0]: int(l.split()[1].strip()) for l in open (class_labels_fname)} labels = [] for g in graph_files: g_num = os.path.basename(g).split('.')[0] labels.append((int(g_num), graph_to_class_label_map[os.path.basename(g).split('.')[0]])) return labels
[docs]def get_kernel_matrix_row_idx_with_class(corpus, extension, graph_files, class_labels_fname): """Returns two arrays, the first is an list of integers each referencing a row in a kernel matrix and thereby a kernel vector corresponding to one of the graphs in the dataset, the second is a list of class labels whose value is the classification of the graph in the same index of the first Parameters ---------- corpus : corpus a corpus instance (such as SkipgramCorpus) extension : str extension of graph document under study graph_files : list list of paths to graph file class_labels_fname : str path to graph class label file Returns ------- tuple kernel_row_x_id, kernel_row_y_id. The first is an list of integers each referencing a row in a kernel matrix and thereby a kernel vector corresponding to one of the graphs in the dataset, the second is a list of class labels whose value is the classification of the graph in the same index of the first """ graph_id_to_class_tuples = [] graph_to_class_label_map = {l.split()[0]: int(l.split()[1].strip()) for l in open (class_labels_fname)} for graph_fname in graph_files: basename = os.path.basename(graph_fname) clabel = graph_to_class_label_map[basename] gidx = corpus._graph_name_to_id_map[graph_fname+extension] graph_id_to_class_tuples.append((gidx, clabel)) graph_id_to_class_tuples.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0]) kernel_row_x_id, kernel_row_y_id = zip(*graph_id_to_class_tuples) return kernel_row_x_id, kernel_row_y_id